Saturday, November 16, 2013

The complete being

The complete being

By William Becker

 We are taught that life is pretty much what exists in the physical world around us.  Religion and forms of spirituality may be brought into this environment, but even that doesn’t really consider or take into account the full dimension of reality, beyond the 3 dimensional world we know and are told is existence in its entirety.

 I’ve published some previous articles that explore various other realms; realms where we can connect with our past and between lives, and learn more about our current one from them.  I’ve mentioned other paranormal beings that seem to reflect the others spoken of in many myths and legends from around the world.  But where I’ve been going with this is part of the vision I’ve had all my life. It’s the integration of it all within us.

The world we exist in is a much bigger, and more seemingly complicated, but actually simpler place than we are led to believe.   We have the energy left behind by people whose lives made an impact on locations.  We have souls, or part of souls, that come and visit; to assist us, to communicate with us, or as tourists.  We have a myriad of beings that seem to step from the pages of legend and lore, and we have a direct connection to the universal consciousness and depth of immortal being.  All this has simply been educated out of us by a societal perspective that relies on 5 senses, not 6 or more.  It is up to us to relearn how to reopen to these additional senses. 

Sometimes people are afraid that developing additional senses will lead us into the land of evil beings.  Sometimes religion tells us those other senses are evil in themselves.  Much of this fear and superstition is basically manmade labeling from manmade religious doctrine. 

 My theory is that these additional senses we need are part of who the human race is.  It’s part of our own creation and evolution.  It’s natural to our beings.  What isn’t natural is the denying and covering up of these essential parts of ourselves.

 The entities we can communicate with help to educate us as to our place in the larger reality, as well as to what our role in this more limited existence is.  We can visit with, and talk to, our guides at the seat of all knowledge often referred to as the Akashic  Record.  Allowing ourselves to communicate with beings of myth and legend can open us to new aspects of our connection to those beings.  We open to a much greater sense of belonging to the universal and our place in it.  We also become more aware of our responsibility to it. 

Part of this responsibility is that we request permission of the beings inhabiting the places we go to visit, and to treat all beings with respect and to understand that each has its own unique place in the universe.  We are not there to judge, but to be part of, learn and understand. 

The additional wisdom and connection we develop should also help us to better understand our responsibility in this 3 dimensional world of our 5 senses, as well as our duty in the larger universal.   We have a duty to protect this planet and its living beings.  It is vital that we recognize that our energy, let alone our physical activity, affects the world around us.  We create what we put out there, both in the realms of our other senses, as well as in this realm. 

A word of caution, these additional senses are not to replace our 5 physical senses.  They are to further augment and complete them.  These are in addition to, not instead of our knowledge, wisdom and rational thought process.  These additional senses and the realms they open to us assist us in connecting with our soul, and its path, now, in the past, and in eternity. 

There is a place deep within each of us where we find the universal and our part in it.  It is this place where we can most connect to our true selves – our completeness of soul.  And it is from this place that we can grow and evolve as spiritual beings, as well as physical ones.  It is here that we can touch a deeper understanding and level of knowledge, one that is simply “known”, not taught.  It is here we further develop our life’s purpose.  I find this to be an eternal process – one that we work on in this life, as well as between and past lives.  It is to find this path in themselves that I am blessed to assist others.