Thursday, July 19, 2012

Psychic Etiquette

For those of you whom are psychic, how do you handle meeting people who mention a location and you immediately “see” the paranormal entities and activity there?  I have this happen to me all the time, in –person, on the phone, even email.  My natural tendency is to just say what I’m getting if the topic of conversation has to do with the paranormal.  But I’m not so sure this is always appropriate!  So, I work to judge the situation and determine what is appropriate to bring up and when simply not saying anything is the best approach.  What do you do?
For those of you who talk to psychics, what do you desire along these lines?  Do you want us to just blurt out what we get, even if the topic of conversation isn’t about the paranormal, or do you want us to keep quiet?


  1. When I go to see one I always want them to just tell me what they are receiving. it doesnt have to be about a certain subject. just tell me all that is shown to them.

  2. I've learned not to tell you anything ... and let you tell me things I already know :)


  3. It's very situational for me. Sometimes I feel comfortable saying something. Other times I leave it alone.

  4. Give it all to me. If I'm going to see a psychic then I am open to wanting to know what is going on. I do agree some people need to be handled with more tact then others though.

  5. i would love to hear everything you receive/see. psychic talents amaze me! the paranormal is fascinating to me! Once, at bedtime, my husband saw a golden angel descent down and float just above me...we still have no clue what that was about!

  6. Thanks for all the great posts everyone.

  7. Well...I live down the road from a place called Glastonbury and it has people visit from all-over the world for all sorts of workshops and fairs etc.As a teenager,I attented alittle of those workshops etc.I spent some time with a Californian (hippy)....a practising Shaman.Anyway,he put me off all and anything remotely similar.I was 18yr-So,now,older and wiser ;-) it all makes sense-but what I just don't trust is all those people in that room -The Assembly Rooms in Glastonbury who sit there at their tables most days,waiting for people to sit for a reading.Maybe the place just needs a good cleaning and airing and it would all look better,or maybe it's me I just don't trust 'em....or maybe who knows ! I guess it's the 'you bring yourself to everything' moment again and I wouldn't really want someone who may be fed up with their life or something-to give me a reading you know?But anyway-is it a good idea to let someone tell you who you are? Whether they can control an outcome or not? I think I trust myself more than I would trust any of them......
